Getting Past Your Past

We’ve all experienced regret of some kind or another.

  • 2 Corinthians 7:10

We can’t undo the past, and we usually just make things worse when we try.

  • Lesson from Israel

Regret becomes destructive when we can’t move on from our sins and mistakes.

Regret is unhealthy when it leads to an atti- tude of hopelessness.

Regret leads to apathy, paralysis, an unwill- ingness to seek God’s blessing.


We don’t have to be paralyzed by regret.

How do you get past your past?   We need to adjust our theology

God’s plan for our lives includes our sins and mistakes.

1. Isaiah 46:9-10
2. Your sin has not altered God’s plan for your life.

Your life is not ruined. You’re in God’s plan