News & Announcements

110 of 38 items

Tanner Cobb Baptism

by bvhsec

This Sunday, Tanner Cobb was baptized into Christ. The angels are rejoicing and so are we! Congratulations to Tanner for taking his first step in a life long journey in Christ.

Our New Elders

by bvhsec

Last Sunday Kevin Briley and Brian Forbus was installed as Elders.  These two great men will now join the existing 5 as shepherds of the Betta View church family.

Angels Are Rejoicing …

by bvhsec

The past 2 weeks have been special. There have been three baptized into Christ. The angels truly are rejoicing and so are we! Congratulations to Jacob Reaves, Daniel Tyler, and Tiffany Strickland for taking the first steps in a life long journey in Christ. Jacob Reaves Baptism Daniel Tyler Baptism Tiffany Strickland Baptism

School Supply Drive

by bvhsec

As part of our Annual Events Committee, we are going to begin collecting school supplies.  Please start bringing in basic supplies such as paper, pencils, crayons, glue, etc.  See Brian Forbus for further details.

Senior Banquet

by bvhsec

The Senior Banquet will be held on May 17th after PM worship service. Parents of graduating seniors please email 10 pictures of your child to no later than Friday, May 1st for the Powerpoint presentation we will do during the service. Also – if you are graduating college this year, let Andi know as […]

This Week’s Back-Pack Food Items

by bvhsec

Back-Pack Food Items for the week of April 19: Cheese Crackers (NO peanut butter) Mac ‘n Cheese (Individual Serving Size)